Friday, 15 May 2009

Speaking from experience 4!

Ok so I finally have a clear direction in which I want to go.  Through a specific area of my research (a questionnaire) I gathered together ideas on what could go into my pack.  Through this research I found that a lot of people when short on cash, borrowed money, food etc.  This gave me a grand idea- an I.O.U booklet.  So ... I am going to produce a survival kit for the first years of graphic design which will include: 

-  A leaftet (with tricks, tips and past experiences) 
- Possibly a t-shirt
- Door hangers
- I.O.U booklet
- Finally ... a poster

So here is some of the development of my logo design ... as seen on the design sheets on me previous blog, I started designing my logo as a 3D stick man, owever this changed after I researched more into Julien Opie, I love the style of his pieces and felt the same type of style would work well with the product I am producing. 

Sooo ... thats the direction its going at the minute, hope you like the design so far, still needs a lot of developing at the moment.  Any feedback would be greatly appreciated! 

1 comment:

pearlbagd said...

Fab illustrations!
I like the colourful one best.
However the layout of the top one is good to. x