Wednesday, 25 March 2009

Tell a convincing lie! No2

Ok ... so we went to friday crits (along with our 3 A2 boaards) and had to make a presentation to a judging panel ... now im not going to lie, but our presentation and our feedback was spot on! We nailed it as well as we could within the given time, explained our idea and concept fully, told the panel who our target audience and why ... and it was great! 
With feedback which was very strong, all we really needed to address was produce design sheets, and a proposal for a final resolution which had been designed.  
So off me and Charlotte went over the weekend to tweak our idea to fine detail!
Once again on Monday we had another presentation to make with our boards, this time to another pair ... so we did, all went well, the idea was liked once again!  So we went into the studio and Fred announced to us that the other pair had just briefed us, so now their project is your project ... WOW!  Ok, so the 'brief' we were just given by the opposite pair (Craig Lang and Andrew Meakin was great, strong idea,and very professional presentation boards etc ... Fred then carried on to say "Go off now and produce 1 more presentation board for your new brief on how you plan to improve the idea"  Off we went once again, produced one bad boy presentation board, and presented it to the other pair (Craig and Andrew)!  Dragged into the studio again, Fred told to swap back and we had just been given a new brief (our old brief ... sorta) from a new client ... OH MY LORD okkkkk!!!

Hope your keeping up ... loves x 

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