Monday, 2 March 2009

Pure No8!

Ok ... so today I had my final crit and then an hour later we had to upload our final resolution to the website of or chosen competition.  Anywhoo ... crit ... there is no other word for it, it was FANTASTIC! By far the best crit I have had since joining the course, and once again by far the most enjoyable brief I have done.  All in all my feedback was very positive, comments picked up on the development work I did for this project and people could see how my research linked into my development which came into my final resolution.  In the end I had 3 final resolutions which I wanted to use, however I could obviously only choose one to upload.  Below are the 2 designs I decided not to use for my final resolution. 

Ok so above are 3 resolutions (the top 2 were not used) the piece above is my final resolution which I uploaded to the competition website.  Yes i know, its the simplest one I did, it isn't very bright and i have not even used my logo.  Nut in my crit all this was positive, I was told the colours worked well, the shadows were lovely (just needed lightening over the 'Be True' and if i was to select this piece as my final resolution I wasn't to use my logo as it didn't need it to put the message across.  
All in all, I am very pleased with the body and quality of work which I produced, this has definitely been my favorite brief since starting the course, and I definately feel now i am eating and managing my time correctly I am producing better work ... more briefs like that please Fred? 

Love as always x 

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